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Retirement Home in Montreal

Retirement Home in Montreal

We offer assistance services to residents of our Montreal facility. Call us to find out more

Retirement home for semi-autonomous seniors

We provide comprehensive and simplified services for seniors who need assistance. We ensure that our residents receive all the support they need while feeling comfortable in their surroundings.

In addition to preparing meals, we offer housekeeping and showering assistance. We prioritize finding a balance between respecting autonomy and assisting with tasks they cannot perform on their own.

Loss of autonomy is a challenging part of aging, but adaptability, consistency, and care can help slow down this process.

Retirement home with assisted living Montreal
Focus :
  • Our aim is to be a space that offers medical services without feeling like an institution.
Our establishment is for
  • Seniors who are no longer independent but who are not ready to be placed in a CHSLD.
  • Our staff are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.